Full-Time Training
Our four-year, full-time residential program provides a complete foundation in the fundamentals of eurythmy, culminating in a diploma recognized by the Section for the Performing Arts at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
For those seeking to embark on eurythmy as a career, the four-year program provides a comprehensive grounding in the fundamentals of eurythmy. The curriculum fosters insight into the eurythmic elements, collaborative work among the students, as well as a strong one-to-one relationship between teacher and student.
Graduates of the four-year full-time training go on to become teachers in Waldorf schools, therapeutic eurythmy practitioners, and stage artists. The developmental arc of the training lays the groundwork for a life-long exploration, new levels of perception and skill, and the ability to share the healing benefits of eurythmy with others.
The Full-Time Training Experience
The eurythmy student’s day consists primarily of studio work in speech and tone eurythmy, centered on moving the innate forms and gestures in human sound through great works of poetry, prose, and music. The journey begins with exercises that awaken each part of the student, physically and inwardly, to becoming a sensing, expressive instrument. Methodically and progressively, students begin to inhabit their bodies afresh, building the capacities to master the geometry of their movements.
Augmenting eurythmy classes are courses in music theory, anthroposophical studies, and speech formation (creative speech). Students also experience blocks such as poetics, astronomy, form drawing, projective geometry, painting, gardening, and human anatomy and physiology, as well as other rotating subjects.
Each term of the training works progressively, building greater and greater capacity to embody the unseen substance, character, and meaning within each musical or poetic piece we express. The end of each semester brings an opportunity for each class to share its progress in a performance for the community.
Overall, the four-year curriculum follows a path of coming to know the many-layered qualities of each sound of language and each element of music. Besides developing individual expression, this ability to sense the essence in each sound also brings the student to a choral or symphonic experience.