Careers in Eurythmy
Eurythmy offers a wide scope of professional opportunities
Bring the beauty, healing, and transformative power of movement into essential areas of human living
As a Stage Art
Through movement, form, color, and sound, a eurythmy performance brings alive the essence of human experience so diversely captured in poetry, stories, and music. Eurythmy is one of the most exquisite performing arts on stages today. Whether seeing a performance or moving yourself, eurythmy becomes a catalyst for an inner shift that changes the way we view the world. Eurythmy Spring Valley’s postgraduate training provides further development in performance skills and stagecraft for eurythmists wishing to pursue this path.
For the Developing Child
Pedagogical eurythmy is integral to the Waldorf school curriculum, supporting child development from kindergarten through twelfth grade. For children of all ages, doing eurythmy under the guidance of a qualified teacher provides essential support for each stage of the child’s learning and growth processes. Essential training toward becoming a primary- or secondary-school eurythmy teacher is part of Eurythmy Spring Valley’s four-year training.
As Therapy
Every part of our body has a healthy movement process; when it is hampered or grows out of control, illness occurs. Through the use of specific movement sequences, therapeutic eurythmy helps to reestablish balance and health. Postgraduate trainings in therapeutic eurythmy are available to eurythmists who have completed a four-year training.
In the Workplace
The application of eurythmy in the work environment is an emerging profession. As an occupational development tool, one of eurythmy’s principal strengths is in the area of team building. The benefit of learning how to “move with others” is invaluable for increasing the effectiveness of working groups in any business or organization. Professional development for this discipline can be pursued after receiving a four-year diploma from Eurythmy Spring Valley.